Adopt a Guy Dating App Review

Read all you need to know about Adobt a guy in our dating app review
Here’s a common complaint from women using dating sites: “guys are filthy and rude”. More often than not, there is an imbalance for expectations in those modern meat marketplaces we refer to as dating websites. Many men who visit dating websites are looking for casual hook-ups. They will tend to pester women who are (mostly) looking for actual relationships.
The issue above is just what the website “Adopt a Guy” is trying to address. With their unique sense of humor and style of operations that puts women in control of the selection process. This is how it works:
To begin with, only male users have to pay to get into the website. Female participants join for free and participate at no charge. Their task is to liven up the place and attract their male counterparts. It may sound like a somewhat sexist concept (even though the gender roles are reversed from traditional standards). This type of approach is very common in European nightclubs – where it seems to work just fine.
What are the men doing?
So if all the ladies are in charge of the choosing on Adopt a Guy, does that imply male users should sit and do nothing and wait for Lady Fortune to smile on them? Not exactly. Guys can browse female profiles like they would in typical dating websites. Here’s the catch.
A guy’s only real option: should he catch sight of a woman who triggers his affection. He must signal this interest with a “Charm” (comparable to doing a “Like” on Facebook). This adds him to the “shopping cart” for the woman who caught his fancy. From there, it’s up to the lady to either ignore this futile attempt or open lines of communication. After completing this pre-selection, proceedings are similar to other typical dating websites. They are open to message, court, seduce, make a done deal, and ultimately “adopt a guy”.
Adobt a guy dating app review: The Stats
The “Adopt a Guy” concept was originally launched in 2007 in France, under the local phrasing “AdoptUnMec”. Florent Steiner and Manuel Conejo are the developers. They reached a quarter of a million registered users within a year. At the time of writing the website claims over 10 million registered users, making it one of the biggest dating websites in France.
Around 2011, this vigorous French website began its expansion to International waters. Establishing the domain in order to cater to the US crowds. In the following years, an app would be released both on Android and iOS marketplaces. Currently, it boasts over 35,000 combined reviews averaging 3,5 stars (showing there is work to be done in this department. Possibly suggesting that users would be better off using the actual website, for the time being).
Adobt a guy dating app review: What it packs
When you join the “Adopt a Guy” website and look around, you quickly get the sense it looks very much like other dating websites. You’ve got the usual profiles where users can post their photos and a bit of personal information. There’s a clear focus on having users categorize themselves as clearly as possible. The site uses descriptive adjectives like “metrosexual”, “intelligent”, “adventurous”, “hipster”, and so forth.
There is no need to plow through extensive personality quizzes while registering. This is not one of those dating websites where people are mixed & matched by cutting edge algorithms. In fact, ladies must manually make actual selections. Their own popularity comes from profile views and volume of received messages. This is actually a refreshing departure from typical dating sites, and it can be quite fun. Guys don’t have to feel like they’re hopelessly standing around waiting for a woman to notice them. They can put some thought into building an enticing profile and “charming” the right women. They also don’t have to feel pressured to chat up women in order to try and seduce them. A place where most guys often disservice themselves by trying much too hard.
Adobt a guy dating app review : The last Word
The “chauvinist jackass” type of filtering that is achieved in Adopt a Guy is great indeed, although obviously not perfect. Every now and then women will come across innocent-looking charmers who soon reveal their true vocations, as misogynist bastards. But those are just occasional old-fashioned perverts bubbling up occasionally among decent candidates. Which contrasts directly with the typical barrage of genitalia pictures and clueless pick-up lines which are so prevalent on typical dating websites.
For any female reader who has given up on digging through unwanted flirters. Who persists in their futile attempts of misdirected seduction even after they’ve clearly been blown off. “Adopt a Guy” will surely come across as a refreshing alternative. The sense of empowerment that comes from putting the females in charge of weeding out members ultimately makes up for a better experience for everyone involved.
Further, the ecosystem established in this website does somewhat discourage casual hooking up (there are better websites and apps for that, anyway) while promoting an environment of genuine courtship where the women are calling the shots. It may sound boring for dominant alpha males, but anyone who is genuinely looking for human connection will likely embrace the system at Adopt a Guy.
Adobt a guy dating app review: Verdict
To conclude this Adobt a guy dating app review, we rate this website four stars. The concept is interesting and refreshing, with good execution. The only issue (at least for International users) is that US-based doesn’t seem to be nearly as popular as the French counterpart or the German version. Unless you speak French or German, chances are this website may not offer as much diversity and options as you might want. In any case, it’s absolutely worth trying – especially for those users who have grown weary of the typical fanfare that makes up dating sites these days.