The Grade Dating App Review

Read all you need to know about The Grade
The Grade Dating App Review: An Honest Enough Site – But Failing To Impress
The world of online romance is awash with dating app after app. It’s a given that a good number of these don’t live up to what they promise. Free often doesn’t mean that at all, and in a lot of cases, of the tens of thousands of members the apps promise to show you, a large amount of them are dormant or just altogether fake. The Grade dating app aims to cut through all of the dating app stereotypes and provide a safe and fun ‘swipe’ based experience and appears, to a large extent, to do a reasonable job, but it’s still got a long way to go.
The Grade Dating App Review – The stats
Put together in 2005, The Grade aims to be a female friendly dating app based around the ‘swipe right, swipe left’ matching model, and looks to have an emphasis on the UK and US markets. It boasts over 100,000 members, which is pretty impressive for a dating app that’s only been around for 18 months. Similar to apps such as Tinder, The Grade dating was formed out of a direct wish to get rid of men sending pictures of their junk, or users meeting up only to find their match is not the person they claimed to be.
The way that The Grade dating app ensures this is by letting users of The Grade review their match and the interaction; if a date goes ahead, the user lets others know in honest terms how it was. If they receive unwanted comments or pictures, they can hit one button and get the profile flagged. That’s not to say it’s for people looking for long term relationships or meaningful connections. It still touts itself as an equally good ‘hook up’ tool. The clear emphasis is on female users being satisfied. Not surprising as 99% of apps are flooded with pent up, sexually frustrated males looking to find a like minded female. The app is free to download and requires the minimum of a Facebook account with which to sync and get started.
The Grade Dating App Review – The Inner Workings (Good and Bad…)
The functions of the The Grade dating app are basic but simple. Swipe right for a match, swipe left to move on, swipe down for user information. A pretty ‘no nonsense’ approach for a dating app.
The Drawbacks
The user interface is not the best. Loading up the app was quick and easy. A Facebook link up means an account is ready to go within seconds. But it doesn’t remain this easy; the user is instantly shown the first potential match with no instruction on what to do. Swiping down brought me the user’s information (name, age, location and likes). Left simply took me on to the next user. Unlike other less scrupulous apps, The Grade dating app appears to have the vital combination of attractive females who are actually real. This is verified by the user review process which is a good idea in principle, but takes a while to get used to.
There is the option to leave a grade (with A+ being the highest) for the general review, another for their reliability in returning messages, and another for user reviews of the person as a date. Other people swiping through the profile can leave hashtags to describe them. One female user had a mishmash of #rockingbod and #girlfriendmaterial to name just a few. All well and good, but clicking the ‘review’ tab would, one might reasonably think, take the user to a page where they can read up on other users’ experiences. Instead, it just flips the page back up to the match’s main profile picture. This happened every time I tried it.
Another big glitch is that half the images haven’t been bordered correctly to show the user’s face in the most flattering light. Half of the females I looked at had hilariously stretched faces or drooping busts. The image had just been stretched to fit the screen.
The Positive…
The only easy and turnkey aspect of the app was the ease with which I was able to update and edit my profile. But who knows how it must have looked to other users? If other users of The Grade review each other based on appearance then image optimisation is a bare necessity.
The Grade Dating App Review – The Bottom Line
Overall, The Grade review on this occasion isn’t glowing, but neither is it all doom and gloom. The app seems to be trying to turn around the casual dating mentality. It’s adding some accountability and cleaning up the marketplace a little bit. It seems to have real profiles of attractive women (who may be proof that a safer place to date does in fact bring more females into the fold). A quick Google search reveals though that many of these women haven’t logged in for months or more. If they do reply, a glitch with the app means that no notification comes through. The user will only see the message if they physically log in.
But this is still a vast improvement over other competing apps. There fake profiles are uploaded en masse to try and ensnare paying customers. And in The Grade’s case, free really does mean free. The Grade Dating App Review is a 2.5 out of 5. Which pretty much mirrors how most other users feel about it. It’s got some way to go if it wants to be taken seriously, but it’s on the right track and has good intentions. Until it gets its glitches taken care of and encourages users to interact more, it risks stagnating along with the hundreds of other startup dating apps. For this reason, I was grateful for the super easy account deletion feature.
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App Store 3.5/5
Google Play 3/5